Brian Gawlik


Algorithmic musician. Generative coder. Big time user of MaxMSP.

Interactive Generative Soundscapes

New York is a noisy city, and ever since moving here I've found it increasingly critical to have something playing on my speakers at all times to help drown out the noise of the city. I've been a fairly consistent user of, but wanted to create my own noise machines as well. RNBO - a Cycling '74 product - has enabled me to deploy my Max projects to the web, making this possible.

Use the knobs to tune these soundscapes to your liking, and then sit back and enjoy. Or, if you prefer, actively tinker - Rhodes Lounge and Tones, in particular, are essentially playable instruments.

Rhodes Lounge. A moody, verbed-out electric piano ambiance.

The Outdoors. Bird chirps, insects, wind, etc.

Tones. Like a meditation sound bath.

Just Noise. Just a good ol' "white noise" machine.
